Corporate Governance Women
ECGI supports gender equality in our network. We aim to make it easier for you to identify female speakers, researchers and practitioners by highlighting them on this page.
Evidence indicates that women in finance academia hold positions at lower-ranked institutions and are less likely to be full professors. They are also paid less, publish fewer papers, and have smaller publication networks. The gender gap only exists in research quantity, not quality but these gender gaps have been shrinking in recent years. ECGI strives to support women in our network by encouraging a minimum of 40% female speakers in our event programming, participation across our boards and committees, and pro-active identification for research member appointments.
Francesca Cornelli
Professor of Finance and Director of Private EquityLondon Business SchoolFellow, Research Member -
Diane Del Guercio
Gerry and Marilyn Cameron Professor of FinanceUniversity of OregonResearch Member -
Mara Faccio
Tom and Patty Hefner Chair in Finance & Professor of ManagementPurdue University - Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of BusinessResearch Member -
Eilis Ferran
Professor of Company and Securities LawUniversity of Cambridge Law Faculty and Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (3CL)Fellow, Research Member -
Jill Fisch
Saul A. Fox Distinguished Professor of Business LawUniversity of Pennsylvania Law SchoolResearch Member -
Cristie Ford
ProfessorUniversity of British Columbia, Peter A. Allard School of LawResearch Member -
Beatriz Garcia Osma
Professor of Accounting and Financial EconomicsUniversidad Carlos III de MadridResearch Member -