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Blog FAQ


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This page provides answers to commonly asked questions relating to the ECGI Blog. 

1. Am I eligible to make a submission to the ECGI Blog?

Submissions are welcome in priority from all ECGI Fellows and Research members, maintaining the high academic standards associated with ECGI. Further submissions will be accepted from other ECGI member categories and non-members with relevant expertise in corporate governance and stewardship. Submissions of strong current interest or that fit with the scheduled themes of the Blog may have priority. The themes are chosen at the discretion of the Editors and may or may not be disclosed in advance of Blog editions. Submissions from undergraduates are unfortunately not accepted.

2. How do I make a submission?

Please complete the online submissions form(link is external).

3. How long should the pieces be?

The recommended length is up to 800 words. However, longer pieces may be justified and accepted. 

4. What kind of content is accepted or preferred?

In addition to inviting individuals to contribute, we are also open to receiving unsolicited submissions in the following publication categories:

  • Academic pieces, which report on the results of new research in corporate governance and stewardship (up to 800 words*)
  • Opinion pieces, which advance a personal viewpoint on a current issue or debate in corporate governance and stewardship (up to 800 words*)
  • Topical pieces, which report on recent notable advancements, developments, and current events in Corporate Governance and stewardship (up to 800 words*)

While there are no preferences for the publication categories, the number of pieces published on the same subject or opinion may be limited. The Editors may decline submissions if they are too similar to previous posts. 

5. What tone and style should I use in my article?

We recommend taking advantage of the informal format of a blog article to explore your opinions and insight as much as possible.   A blog essay should be more nuanced then an acedmic paper, exploring your views and including informed judgements. Please feel free to be as measured or provocative as necessary while expressing your insight and expertise, using supporting references as usual (a small number of hyperlinks). 

The ECGI tone is formal and respectful but strives for a discourse that is both conversational and concise. Submissions should ideally stimulate intelligent debate and thought-provoking comment from readers. With the exception of concluding comments, repetition should be avoided. Content should be punctuated with short, clear sentences, making it possible to read in under five minutes. The articles are intended for multiple audiences of both academic and non-academic backgrounds. Please ensure that the article is well structured and has a clear message. Submissions written with a salacious, promotional, commercial, rambling or baseless tone will not be accepted.

The ECGI Blog Style Guide is available here.

6. What is the review process for posts, and when will I know if my submission is accepted?

After submission, the editorial team will review articles based on the piece's relevance, expertise, quality, evidence, and general suitability. 

If the Editors would like to include your submission, or discuss edits, you will be contacted usually within 10 working days. If your submission is not selected, you will not be contacted.

Feedback and/or a reason for the decline will not be provided. In some cases, acceptance may be conditional on making some revisions to the article. However, the editors' availability is limited and therefore only minor revisions may be considered. The article will be not be considered if it requires several revisions.

7. Where does my article appear once published?

Depending on your article's primary theme, it will appear on the ECGI website, in the Blog section, in the relevant theme folder (ordered by most recent). It will also be included in the Blog newsletter that will circulate new posts to the ECGI network (blog subscribers only). You will be notified when your article is published on the website.

8. Can I submit my article elsewhere after publishing it on the ECGI Blog?

Yes, after you submit your article, you may still publish it elsewhere, but please ensure that the original article is referenced with a hyperlink in all subsequent publications.

9. I have already published my article on another platform. Can I still submit it to the ECGI Blog?

Submissions may be accepted even if they have been previously published elsewhere (please provide a link to the original publication), however priority will be given to unpublished articles. We ask the authors to seek permission from the original publishers before reproducing content on our platform. This should be indicated in the submissions form. 

10. My submission has been rejected. Can I receive feedback on my submissions?

The editorial team is not obliged to provide feedback. Decisions are final and cannot be appealed. Articles with significant revisions may be resubmitted for fresh consideration.

11. My submission has not been accepted. Can I submit another one?

Yes, if we have passed on a blog post that you have submitted, please feel free to submit again with another idea or a different angle. Repeated decline decisions may lead to ineligibility for submission. 

12. How do I subscribe to the ECGI Blog?

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE(link is external)

Readers and contributors should be familiar with ECGI's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


If you still have a question, please feel free to send it to

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Be concise: Try to keep posts under 800 words, which is why we recommend avoiding lengthy analysis and repetition.

Use hyperlinks: Highlight appropriate sources and links with hyperlinks instead of footnotes. If there is no link available, please include the citation in parentheses.

Use headers and lists: Divide your content by using subheaders; this makes it easier for your readers to navigate your piece. It can also be useful to combine a series of items into bulleted or numbered lists.

Catchy headlines help: Writers are encouraged to provide catchy headlines that entice readers. However please avoid headlines that might be considered sensationalist, hyperbolic, or that could be read as spam. Please remember that post titles have a maximum of 10 words.

Double-check for potential copyright issues: authors must ensure that their content and images do not violate any copyright or other intellectual property rights.

CTAs are not allowed: Links to the author's profile, organisation, or business are included under his profile and at the end of the piece. Please avoid including calls to action altogether.

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