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Meet The Team

ECGI began as a volunteer collective in 2002. It has grown significantly since then, but still operates with the spirit in which it was founded. ECGI research members generate activities, organise events, lead initiatives, and sit on boards and committees alongside members from practice.

ECGI Governance and Structure

Learn more about the ECGI Board, committees, advisory and editorial boards, in addition to our relationship with GCGC and ECGRF, our sister organisations.

The ECGI Operations Team is global. Team members work remotely and in various timezones. Please understand that there may be a delay in response times. We hope to meet you in person at the Annual ECGI Conference!

General Manager

Executive Director

Marco Becht

Professor of Finance and the Goldschmidt Professor of Corporate Governance
Solvay Brussels School for Economics and Management, Université libre de Bruxelles
Fellow, Research Member

Suzanne Harley

Administration and Membership Manager
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

Asif I. Malik

Working Paper Series Manager
California State University, San Bernardino & ECGI

Naureen Khan

Communications and Events Manager
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

George Dallas

Head of Content
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
Practitioner Member

Tom Gosling

Executive Fellow
London Business School, The London School of Economics and Political Science and ECGI

Tom Gosling is an Executive Fellow of ECGI. He hosts the ECGI Conversation Series which is a collection video interviews with ECGI research members and guests.

Marleen Och

Doctoral researcher
Jan Ronse Institute for Company and Financial Law

Marleen Och is the author of the ECGI In Focus newsletter. She explores themes in our Responsible Capitalism initiative, referencing research and identifying key issues.

ECGI is an international non-profit association which is governed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations (Belgian Wetboek van vennoostchappen en verenigingen / Code des sociétés et associations).

The Institute has its registered office in Belgium:

European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

c/o the Royal Academies of Belgium, 

Palace of the Academies, 

Rue Ducale 1 Hertogsstraat, 

1000 Brussels


Enterprise Number & VAT number: BE0477256133

EU Transparency Register number: 313390020603-18

Contact details:

For general enquiries or if you are unsure about who to contact: for general queries. for invoice and membership matters. for queries relating to the ECGI Blog. for event related queries. for queries relating to the ECGI Working Paper Series.

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