- Research Member
Professor Martijn Cremers
Martijn Cremers is the Bernard J. Hank Professor of Finance at the Mendoza College of Business of the University of Notre Dame, where he has been a faculty since 2012. Prior to that, he was a faculty at Yale School of Management for ten years, from 2002 – 2012. He obtained his PhD in finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University in 2002 and hails from the Netherlands. His research areas are investment management, corporate finance, corporate governance and corporate law, and he teaches classes in investments, corporate governance and Catholic social teaching.
Starting July 2018, Professor Cremers will serve as the Interim Dean of the Mendoza College of Business.
His co-authored paper “How active is your fund manager? A new measure that predicts performance” (published in 2009 in the Review of Financial Studies) introduced a novel measure of active management termed ‘Active Share’, which measures how different fund holdings are from the benchmark holdings. His website activeshare.info provides free information regarding Active Share and related mutual fund characteristics.
Professor Cremers has consulting relationships with various investment managers.