Call For Papers: JLFA Conference 2017

Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting (JLFA)
2017 Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
November 17-18, at London Business School
The Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting (JLFA) is pleased to announce its sixth conference, to be held at the London Business School, Sussex Place Regents Park, Friday November 17th and Saturday November 18th, 2017, ending by mid-afternoon on Saturday. This conference is being organized in conjunction with the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI).
JLFA is an interdisciplinary journal sponsored by the NYU Stern School of Business and the NYU School of Law. It seeks to publish top-quality empirical, theoretical, and policy-oriented scholarship at the intersection of law, finance and accounting. The JLFA conference is sponsored by KPMG. Prior JLFA conferences have been held at NYU (2014), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2015, 2017), Harvard (2015) and Northwestern University (2016).
JLFA is an open-access publication. Articles can be downloaded without charge. See for additional information about JLFA and to view and download the articles from our first two issues, published in 2016.
You are invited to submit your original, unpublished papers for presentation at the conference. Accepted papers will be eligible for expedited review and consideration for publication in JLFA. In choosing papers for presentation at the conference, we will give priority to papers which the authors wish to submit to JLFA for possible publication. Publication is at the editors’ discretion.
The deadline for submission is Monday, July 3, 2017. Please submit papers through SSRN at
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
The impact of the structure of the legal system — including legal origins, procedural rules, and the legal environment in general, on the evolution of financial contracts, financial markets, business enterprises and business groups.
The impact of particular legal and market institutions, including accounting, on financial markets and corporate actions, and innovation, economic growth and stability.
The co-evolution of the legal rules and market institutions that govern financial sector activity, that activity itself, and the nature of the broader economy and financial markets.
The regulation, organization, and performance of financial institutions.
The relationships between the structure and performance of financial institutions, and the performance of these institutions and the overall performance of financial markets and economies.
The interplay between legal rules, accounting regulations, corporate governance, firm performance, cost of equity and debt capital, financial market performance, and economic performance.
The political economy of the regulation of corporate governance, financial institutions, and financial markets.
Accounting, finance, and legal issues concerning ownership and property.
The JLFA Executive Editors:
Viral Acharya (NYU Stern School of Business, Department of Finance)
John Armour (Oxford, Law Faculty and Said School of Business, Department of Finance)
Barry Adler (NYU Law School)
Bernard Black (Northwestern Pritzker School of Law & Kellogg School of Management, Department of Finance)
Julian Franks (London Business School, Department of Finance)
Joshua Ronen (NYU Stern School of Business, Department of Accounting)
For questions about the submission process, please contact For substantive questions about the conference, please contact, or
JLFA Volume 1, Issue 1 (2016) [to download these papers, visit]
Stephen J. Choi and Mitu Gulati, The Pricing of Non-Price Terms in Sovereign Bonds: The Case of the Greek Guarantees,
William F. Bassett, Using Insured Deposits to Refine Estimates of the Large Bank Funding Advantage,
Tiago Pinheiro and Joshua Ronen, Unintended Consequences of the Credit Card Act,
Dhammika Dharmapala and Vikramaditya Khanna, The Costs and Benefits of Mandatory Securities Regulation: Evidence from Market Reactions to the JOBS Act of 2012,
Edward Li, Charles Wasley and Jerold Zimmerman, The Disclose or Abstain Incentive to Issue Management Guidance,
JLFA Volume 1, Issue 2 (2016)
The Effect of Governance Reforms on Financial Reporting Fraud
By Dain C. Donelson, John McInnis, and Richard D. Mergenthaler (
Does Shareholder Litigation Deter Insider Trading?
By C. S. Agnes Cheng, Henry He Huang, and Yinghua Li (
Meeting Company-Issued Guidance and Management Guidance Strategy
By Ram T. S. Ramakrishnan and Xiaoyan Wen (
Earnings Management and Dynamic Incentives
By Sunil Dutta and Qintao Fan (
JLFA Volume 2, Issue 1 (2017, forthcoming)
Incentive Fees and Competition in Pension Funds: Evidence from a Regulatory Experiment
By Assaf Hamdani, Eugene Kandel, Yevgeny Mugerman and Yishay Yafeh
Provision of Management Incentives in Bankrupt Firms
By Vidhan K. Goyal and Wei Wang
Financial Markets and the Political Center of Gravity
By Mark Roe and Travis Coan
Facilitating Mergers and Acquisitions with Earnouts and Purchase Price Adjustments
By Albert H. Choi
A Contractual Approach to Disciplining Self-dealing by Controlling Shareholders
By Maria Gutierrez and Maria Isabel Saez
Localization of FDI flows: Evidence on Infrastructure as a critical determinant
By Rajesh Chakrabarti, Krishnamurthy Subramanian, and Sesha Meka