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Our Members

Networks are made interesting by the people who join them. The ECGI network is made up of people from different disciplines and expertise. What they have in common is an interest in good corporate governance and stewardship.

  • Alexander Wagner

    Professor of Finance
    Swiss Finance Institute, University of Zurich
    Research Member
  • Uwe Walz

    Full Professor of Economics
    Goethe University Frankfurt and CFS/ SAFE Frankfurt
    Research Member
  • Tracy Wang

    John Spooner Professor of Finance
    University of Minnesota
    Research Member
  • Charles Wang

    Tandon Family Professor of Business Administration
    Harvard Business School
    Research Member
  • Susan Watson

    Dean, University of Auckland Business School, Professor of Law, University of Auckland Faculty of Law
    University of Auckland
    Research Member
  • Michael Weisbach

    The Ralph W. Kurtz Chair in Finance
    The Ohio State University
    Research Member
  • Russ Wermers

    Professor of Finance
    University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
    Research Member
  • Yupana Wiwattanakantang

    Associate professor, Department of Finance
    NUS Business School, National University of Singapore
    Research Member
  • Eddy Wymeersch

    Financial Law Institute, Ghent University Law School
    Fellow, Research Member
  • Fei Xie

    Chaplin Tyler Professor of Finance & Iannaccone Faculty Fellow
    University of Delaware, Lerner College of Business and Economics
    Research Member
  • Yesha Yadav

    Professor of Law and Milton R. Underwood Chair
    Vanderbilt Law School
    Research Member
  • Yishay Yafeh

    School of Business Administration, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Research Member
  • Jun Yang

    Dean, President's Chair in Finance, Professor
    College of Business (Nanyang Business School)
    Research Member
  • Tina Yang

    Associate Professor
    University of South Florida
    Research Member
  • David Yermack

    Chairman, Finance Department, Stern School of Business
    New York University
    Research Member
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