Annual Members Meeting 2013
The ECGI Annual Members Meeting 2013 took place in Dublin on 15-16 May. On Thursday, 16 May, the General Assembly and Oxford Union-style debate on the motion that "This House believes that the shareholder-oriented corporation is flawed" that follows both took place at the offices of PricewaterhouseCoopers in Dublin. That afternoon and the next day, the Irish Presidency Conference took place in the nearby Dublin Convention Centre. The dinner for members and invited guests took place the night before.
See a guide to Oxford Union debates and a brief history of the Union.
2013 Working Paper Prize-giving:
The Standard Life Investments Finance Prize was won by Bo Becker (Harvard Business School and NBER), and Per Strömberg (Stockholm School of Economics, University of Chicago - Booth School of Business, CEPR, NBER and ECGI) for:
Fiduciary Duties and Equity-Debtholder Conflicts (ECGI Finance Working Paper No. 330/2012)
The Allen & Overy Law Prize was won by Martin Gelter (Fordham University School of Law and ECGI) for:
The Pension System and the Rise of Shareholder Primacy (ECGI Law Working Paper No. 191/2012)
Members' Dinner and Presentation of the 2013 ECGI Working Paper Series Prizes
Annual General Meeting of the ECGI
ECGI sessions at the 12th European Corporate Governance & Company Law
Reflection on ECGI Session
Colin Mayer
Theo Vermaelen