Annual Members Meeting 2011
The ECGI Annual Members Meeting 2011 took place in Amsterdam on 7-8 April. On Friday 8 April, the General Assembly and Annual Lecture was held at the Duisenberg School of Finance. ECGI Fellow, Colin Mayer, Peter Moores Dean and Professor of Management Studies at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, gave the Annual Lecture (which was open to the public) on the theme of Governance and Regulation in Crisis: Addressing the Next One. The dinner for ECGI members and invited guests took place the night before at the Dylan Hotel, Amsterdam. During the dinner, the winners of the 2011 Working Paper prizes were announced.
2011 Working Paper Prize-giving:
The Standard Life Investments Finance Prize was won by Ing-Haw Cheng, University of Michigan (Ross), Harrison Hong, Princeton University and NBER, Jose Scheinkman, Princeton University and NBER with:
The Allen & Overy Law Prize was won by Christian Leuz, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, NBER and ECGI with:
Dinner at Restaurant Grodan and Presentation of the 2011 ECGI Working Paper Series Prizes
Annual General Meeting of the ECGI - The Duisenberg School of Finance
Panel Discussion 2011
Colin Mayer
Ronald Gilson