Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance
The video of this seminar is available below (scroll down)
The fourth seminar in the ECGI Spotlight Series was held on 22 February 2021 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST).
You can download the working paper here.
The authors provided a comprehensive overview of institutional investors' role in corporate governance, focusing on three components. First, a detailed characterization of key aspects of the legal and regulatory setting within which institutional investors operate with respect to the governance of their portfolio firms. Second, the emergence of institutional investors as the modal concentrated owners of public firms in modern economies, using a wide variety of data sources to establish new stylized facts. Third, synthesize the evolving “response” of the academic literature in finance to the emergence of institutional investors in corporate governance, attempting to link theoretical predictions to empirical findings. This Spotlight Series highlighted how the defining aspect of institutional investors differentiates them in their governance role from standard principal block-holders and the heterogeneity amongst institutional investors as block-holders.
The ECGI Spotlight Series is a global online seminar programme highlighting chosen papers from the ECGI Working Paper Series.
Spotlight Team:
Mike Burkart (Editor) | Miriam Schwartz-Ziv | Amir Licht (Editor) | Geeyoung Min
Contact: Spotlight@ecgi.org
Supported by
Concluding remarks
Amil Dasgupta
Vyacheslav Fos
Wei Jiang
Zacharias Sautner