- Representative Member
Professor Piergaetano Marchetti
Emeritus Professor and Senior Professor in Corporate Law at Bocconi University in Milan, where he previously was Full Professor in Corporate Law and, from November 2004 to November 2010, also pro-rector.
Member of the Mirone Commission for the drafting of the 2003 reform of Italian company law.
Member, since 1993, of the Advisory Committee for privatisation and of the Technical Committee for the drafting of the Code of Corporate Governance for listed companies.
Member of the editorial boards of "Rivista delle società" and "Concorrenza e mercato".
Author of numerous publications in the field of competition and company law, securities markets and intellectual property law, he also edited commentaries on the Consolidated Law on Finance (decree 58/1998, Draghi law) and on the companies' reform of 2003/2004.