- Contributor
Professor Ross Buckley
Professor Buckley's research interests are FinTech, RegTech, central bank digital currencies and the Consumer Data Right and, more broadly, the full range of issues that the rise of data and its algorithmic analysis pose for society. His research is currently downloaded from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) more frequently than that of any other legal scholar in the world. He principally works on it with Douglas Arner of HKU and Dirk Zetzsche of the University of Luxembourg.
His Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship, 2020 - 2025, is a $2.6 million project that explores how Australia might best regulate the rise of data and its analysis so as to seize the related benefits while managing the many risks. They are currently recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows and doctoral candidates to work on this project. See the Laureate Project website at https://fintechrevn.org/ for details of these opportunities, and for all of the Project's research outputs.
Along with his international co-authors, he is also participating in major, multi-year research projects on the regulation of FinTech funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council Research Impact Fund Grant and by the Qatar National Research Fund National Priorities Research Program Grant.
Before this, for six years, Professor Buckley led two major sequential projects on the delivery of financial services over mobile devices in developing countries. He led a team of three to four researchers on these projects, funded by a large ARC Linkage grant in conjunction with, and generously supported by, the United Nations Capital Development Fund.
He joined the Faculty in January 2007, and was appointed a Scientia Professor, and to the King & Wood Mallesons Chair in International Finance Law, in 2013. This research sponsorship was expanded in 2018, with KPMG Law, and the Chair renamed as the KPMG Law - KWM Chair in Disruptive Innovation and Law.
He consults at the moment to the Asian Development Bank and over the years have consulted to government departments in over 12 countries, and to three government agencies in the US (the OCC, SEC, and Department of Justice). He began his career practising banking and finance law in Australia and Hong Kong and on Wall Street with Davis Polk, in total for some nine years.