Luh Luh Lan is an Associate Professor of Law at the National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law, and a Research Member of ECGI. She is also the Co-Director for the LLM (International Business Law) Programme, NUS Law School. She is and has been a board member of various scholastic and not-for-profit boards, including being the Chair of the board of the Global Corporate Governance Colloquia (GCGC) from 2018-2020. She currently sits on the boards of International Corporate Governance Society and the Singapore Promote Mandarin Council. She specialises in company law, corporate finance law and corporate governance. She publishes widely in both law and business journals such as the Academy of Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Business Law, American Journal of Comparative Law and Singapore Journal of Legal Studies. She is the author of "Essentials of Corporate law and Governance in Singapore" published by Sweet & Maxwell which was conferred the ASEAN Book Prize Award 2018 for "Best Academic/Professional Title" published by Sweet & Maxwell (Thomson Reuters). She has also contributed chapters to books like Walter Woon on Company Law, Law relating to Specific Contracts in Singapore, Independent Directors in Asia, and Research Handbook on Shareholder Power. She has a PhD (Business Policy) from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and a LLM (First Class) in Commercial Law from the University of Cambridge.