Education: Doctorate and Master's Degree, European Community Law, University of Paris I - La Sorbonne. Bachelor's Degree in Political Science, University of Paris X. Center for European Studies degree, University of Paris I - La Sorbonne. Ad personem Jean Monnet chair?
Research Areas: European Community law and institutionnal issues, European and comparative company law and CG issues. Author of books & several articles on company law and Corporate Governance topics. Working on activism in France and Europe as a new factor og CG.
Professional Experience: codirector of the ESSEC law curriculum, Director of the European Center Law and Economics at ESSEC, previously Department Chair of the Law Department. Involved in several think-tanks on European topics and expert at EESC, ECommission, EParliament ), also partner of numerous women professional networks, member of the governance board of CDC, Member of Codor of Proxinvest, expert at ICR : Institut du Capitalisme Responsable
Memberships: Honorary President of the "Groupe des Belles Feuilles." Member of CEDECE - France, ECSA-Europe, Partner with lawyers associations AFJE, AFJJ, FFA, WIL, PWN paris , 2Gap