Corporate Governance of Banks and Financial Institutions: Economic Theory, Supervisory Practice, Evidence and Policy
Banks are special, and so is the corporate governance of banks and other financial institutions as compared with the general corporate go
How are Bankers Paid?
Bank executive incentives and compensation have been in the spotlight since the 2007-2009 financial crisis.
Post-Crisis Corporate Culture and Governance in Banking
The 2007-09 financial crisis exposed numerous vulnerabilities of the financial system that arise from failures within individual financia
Why Financial Regulation Keeps Falling Short
Modern finance is fast moving, complex, and the source of pervasive unknowns.
Network-Sensitive Financial Regulation
Shocks that hit part of the financial system, such as the subprime mortgage market in 2007, can propagate and amplify through the complex
Accounting for Financial Stability: Lessons from the Financial Crisis and Future Challenges
The 2008 financial crisis set off a major debate about the role of accounting for financial stability.
O Tell Me The Truth About Bail-In: Theory and Practice
Bank resolutions and specifically bail-ins are among the most complicated and contentious issues of banking l