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Research Member Support

This page is intended as a guide for ECGI research members on how to engage with ECGI and get the most from your affiliation. Collaboration ideas are welcome.

ECGI is a volunteer collective and the Research Members are central to ECGI's reputation, activities, and priorities.

We aim to amplify your work on corporate governance, ESG, and stewardship to a global audience, helping you to engage with fellow academics and researchers, practitioners and policymakers. We ask that you support ECGI by submitting relevant working papers to our series, participating in events organised by ECGI, and assisting ECGI in identifying new partnership opportunities.

Submit your working papers to the ECGI series

By arrangement with the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), ECGI Working Papers are available to download online free of charge from the SSRN's Financial and Legal Research Institutes Papers Series. Research papers are voluntarily submitted by its author or co-author to one of two Editorial Boards (law and finance). 

You can submit papers to the series by using this link: (please note that this leads to a separate platform which requires an account). You can also send them by email to if you have difficulty with the form. 

More information about how to submit and frequently asked questions can be found here. For queries and to submit revisions or updates please contact

Remember your right to use the ECGI affiliation

Research members may (and are encouraged to) use their ECGI affiliation on working papers, presentations, publications, and for speaking engagements etc. In case a research member has multiple affiliations, we suggest to use alphabetical order, e.g. 'CEPR and ECGI', or 'CEPR, ECGI and NBER'. Please take a moment to add your affiliation to your profile on SSRN. You may also want to add the fact that you are a research member to your university biography.

Consider signing up your university, school or centre as a member

There is no membership fee for Research Members who are appointed on the basis of their scholarship. ECGI importantly doesn’t have a paywall for access to research papers and we frequently offer free attendance at events to ensure reaching as broad an audience as possible and to ensure our function as a public good. We are funded by a relatively small combination of membership fees, project income, donations and sponsorships. We have not raised membership fees in line with inflation and would prefer to broaden support instead of putting a higher burden on those who contribute already. We would appreciate if your school has the capacity to support ECGI as a university partner. The standard contribution is €2,000 per year.

Collaborate with ECGI

Consider ECGI collaboration when you are organising events and submitting project bids. ECGI can provide varied levels of non-financial support in the form of communications to a broad network and visibility on the ECGI website. Collaboration proposals are currently limited to academic institutional partners due to resourcing. 

Proposals are screened by the ECGI Research Committee, which generally requires the activity to be related to corporate governance or stewardship, with the involvement of at least two ECGI research members (organising or speaking) and attention to gender balance. 

On approval, the ECGI logo should be used on all material along with an option for attendees to join our mailing list on the event registration form. The benefits include increased visibility for your activity by reaching our global audience and papers presented at ECGI affiliated events may be eligible for inclusion in the ECGI working paper series. Queries and proposals can be sent by email to 

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