Explore the dynamic realm of corporate governance through our broad collection of videos. These recordings include ECGI events and workshops, insightful interviews with academics discussing their research, and a curated selection of practitioner perspectives.

At ECGI, we see sharing these videos as a public service, contributing to a better understanding of corporate governance challenges and solutions. Feel free to browse our extensive collection of thought-provoking videos.
ECGI Conversations
A compelling interview series hosted by Dr. Tom Gosling, aimed at uncovering valuable insights, ideas, and perspectives from cutting-edge academic research.
Responsible Capitalism
ECGI's Responsible Capitalism project is a vibrant, global, interdisciplinary hub examining the crucial interactions between corporations, finance, government and society.
Stewardship Perspective
A Vox-Pop series that brings together perspectives from academics and corporate leaders on stewardship, capitalism, and corporate governance
Annual event which showcases the best research in law and finance relating to corporate governance, at a conference held on a rotating basis between 12 major universities that are leaders in the fields in the Americas, Asia and Europe. These conferences attract invited and contributed research papers of the highest scholarly quality.
Kelley Series
Online Public Lecture Series on Corporate Governance. Organised by The Kelley School of Business Institute for Corporate Governance (ICG), in partnership with the Ostrom Workshop at Indiana University and ECGI.