(GCGC 2024) How Did Corporations Get Stuck in Politics and Can They Escape?
ECGI, with Columbia Law School, hosted the tenth annual GCGC Conference on 14-15 June 2024.
The "2024 Global Corporate Governance Colloquium (GCGC)" was hosted in New York, USA.
The third session included two paper presentations.
Jill Fisch (University of Pennsylvania Law School and ECGI) presented the paper "How Did Corporations Get Stuck in Politics and Can They Escape?" (Jill Fisch, Jeff Schwartz), which was discussed by Matteo Gatti (Rutgers Law School and ECGI).
Read the paper here: https://www.ecgi.global/sites/default/files//howdidcorporationsgetstuckinpoliticsandcantheyescape.pdf