(GCGC 2024) Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios
ECGI, with Columbia Law School, hosted the tenth annual GCGC Conference on 14-15 June 2024.
The "2024 Global Corporate Governance Colloquium (GCGC)" was hosted in New York, USA.
Pedro Matos (University of Virginia and ECGI) presented the paper, "Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios: Helping to Green the Planet or Just Greening Your Portfolio?" (Vaska Atta-Darkua, Simon Glossner, Philipp Krueger, Pedro Matos) and was discussed by Marco Becht (Université libre de Bruxelles and ECGI)
Read the paper here: https://www.ecgi.global/sites/default/files/decarbonizing_institutional_investor_portfolios.pdf