New Editor of the ECGI Law Working Paper Series

ECGI is delighted to announce the appointment of Prof. Amir Licht as Editor of the ECGI Law Working Paper Series. Amir has been a member of the editorial board for several years and will assume the role of Editor on 15 March 2019. ECGI would like to thank Luca Enriques for his excellent stewardship of the Law Series for the past six years and wish Amir success with the role.
Submitting your research papers to the ECGI Series
ECGI Research members have the privilege of submitting their working papers to either of the two series' (law or finance). This can be done by email to or by using the form on the ECGI website (you must be logged in to access the form). Please stipulate which series the paper is intended for.
The Editorial Boards which comprise an editor and a number of consulting editors drawn from ECGI's research membership, review the paper to determine whether or not it is suitable for inclusion in the law or finance series. The editors do not referee the paper but merely screen it for general suitability. Once accepted, the working paper will gain visibility by being circulated to all ECGI members through the ECGI working paper alert system. ECGI will also liaise directly with SSRN to arrange for your working paper to be posted there.
The paper should not already be published in a journal but may already exist on SSRN in which case ECGI will update it. Should you wish to post a revised version of the paper at a later date, simply send it by email to and this will be handled on both websites (ECGI and SSRN).
Publication in the ECGI Working Paper Series' will not prevent publication in a journal - on the contrary, it should help!
For more information click here or send your questions to
The ECGI Law Working Paper Series prize, which is awarded annually, is sponsored by ECGI institutional member Cleary Gottlieb Steen Hamilton.