King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa - 2016 (King IV Report)
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This code was produced by: Institute of Directors in Southern Africa (IoDSA)
<p>The 21st Century has been characterised by fundamental changes in both business and society. These fundamental changes provided the context within which the King Committee set out to draft King IV, and have in uenced both its content and approach. New global realities are testing the leadership of organisations on issues as diverse as inequality, globalised trade, social tensions, climate change, population growth, ecological overshoot, geopolitical tensions, radical transparency and rapid technological and scienti c advancement. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which were agreed by all governments in 2015, the Africa 2063 Agenda and the (South African) National Development Plan 2030 (NDP) have a common theme of value creation that is accomplished in a sustainable manner. This is a fundamental concept of King IV.</p>