This code was produced by: Zagreb Stock Exchange
The purpose of the Code is to promote effective governance and accountability in companies whose shares are admitted to trading on the regulated market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. Governance includes, but is not the same as, management. Management is concerned with day-to-day decision making, while the purpose of governance in addition includes establishing the vision and standards which influence those decisions. Governance includes matters such as the company’s purpose, its relations with others and how it expects its leaders and workforce to behave.
It aims to bring the standards expected of listed companies in line with those in other European countries with similar capital markets, while reflecting the specific circumstances in Republic of Croatia. If companies adopt the standards in the Code, it will demonstrate to investors that they can invest with confidence in the Croatian market.
It aims to bring the standards expected of listed companies in line with those in other European countries with similar capital markets, while reflecting the specific circumstances in Republic of Croatia. If companies adopt the standards in the Code, it will demonstrate to investors that they can invest with confidence in the Croatian market.