This code was produced by: The Capital Market Development Authority (CMDA)
Additions include :
Provision 1.3 - Nomination of New / Re-election of Existing Board Members: In order to facilitate greater female participation in the boards of listed companies in the Maldives.
Provision 1.6 - The above amendments requires companies to draw up a board diversity policy.
New Voluntary Provision on Sustainability Reporting - The practice of measuring, analyzing and disclosing information on the sustainability aspects of a company's performance and operations.
Provision 1.3 - Nomination of New / Re-election of Existing Board Members: In order to facilitate greater female participation in the boards of listed companies in the Maldives.
Provision 1.6 - The above amendments requires companies to draw up a board diversity policy.
New Voluntary Provision on Sustainability Reporting - The practice of measuring, analyzing and disclosing information on the sustainability aspects of a company's performance and operations.