Marc Goergen holds a BSc in Economics from the Free University of Brussels (ULB) and an MBA in European Business from Solvay Business School, Brussels. He completed his DPhil in Economics at Keble College, University of Oxford. He has held appointments at Cardiff University, the University of Manchester, UMIST, the University of Reading and the University of Sheffield. He holds a chair in finance at IE Business School in Madrid.
His main research interests are in corporate governance and corporate control, initial public offerings, corporate investment models, mergers and acquisitions, insider trading, human capital issues across corporate governance systems and dividend policy. He has papers published in a number of academic journals, including European Financial Management, the Journal of Corporate Finance, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Intermediation and the Journal of Law, Economics & Organization. He has written three research monographs on corporate governance and has contributed chapters to many edited books. The second edition of his successful textbook on corporate governance was published by Cengage in March 2018.