Uría Menéndez
Institutional Member
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Founded in the 1940s, Uría Menéndez has since become one of the most prestigious international law firms. It's capacity for innovation, profound analysis of the law and unwavering respect for deontological ethics have all made Uría Menéndez one of the leading firms across the Iberian and Latin American markets.
Uría Menéndez have almost 600 lawyers working in 14 different offices located in the most important financial centres in Europe, the Americas and Asia. It also makes up part of the first ever major Ibero-American law firm, Philippi, Prietocarrizosa, Ferrero DU & Uría.
Uría Menéndez is there for its clients across the globe through its close ties with prestigious local firms. In addition, through it's network of best friends in Europe it is able to create cross-firm teams with the leading firms from France (Bredin Prat), Germany (Hengeler Mueller), Italy (BonelliErede), the Netherlands (De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek) and the United Kingdom (Slaughter and May). Uría Menéndez is also a member of renowned international networks such as Lex Mundi.
Advice Expertise in Company Law and Corporate Governance Practice:
- Incorporation of companies
- Amendments to articles of association
- Board secretary services
- General meetings
- Restructurings
- Duties and liability of directors
- Shareholders agreements
- Share capital changes
- Debt issues
They provide advice on corporate governance issues to domestic and foreign listed companies, companies operating in regulated sectors, financial entities and other parties operating in securities markets.
- Their team provides a wide range of services to these companies and offers the full spectrum of advice on all aspects of corporate management:
- Board and general meeting regulations
- Corporate governance reports
- Good governance codes
- Electronic voting
- Assistance liaising with the Spanish and Portuguese Securities Market Commissions and other regulatory bodies
- General and strategic advice relating to boards of directors and their committees
- Remuneration of directors and senior executives
- Author(s): Jan Bonhage, John Boyce, Joaquim Caimoto Duarte, Filippo Caliento, Alessandro Cogoni, Malte Frank, Guillaume Froger, Helen Gornall, Florence Haas, Gurgen Hakopian, Massimo Merola, Edurne Navarro, Alfonso Ventoso, Natalie Yeung
Estudio relativo a los consejeros microdominicales. Aportando una visión jurídica y de mercado
- Author(s): Davis Polk & Wardwell , Georgeson , Uría Menéndez
Guide to Public Takeovers in Europe
- Author(s): Stefano Cacchi Pessani, Olivier Assant, Bernard Roelvink, Oliver Rieckers, Chris McGaffin, Gabriel Núñez
Practical Guide on Duties and Liability of Company Directors
- Author(s): Eduardo Geli, Guillermo Rey Carlón, José Ramón Salelles
One share, one vote - os tetos de voto e as alterações introduzidas pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 20/2016
- Publication: Actualidad Jurídica Uría Menéndez, n.º 44 Date: 2016
O (novo) código de governo das sociedades
- Publication: Actualidad Jurídica Uría Menéndez, n.º 48 Date: 2018
- Publication: Ethical Boardroom, Spring Date: 2015
- Url: http://ethicalboardroom.com/global-news/improving-standards-in-spain/
- Publication: Actualidad Jurídica Uría Menéndez, n.º 39 Date: 2015
Comissão de fixação de remunerações
- Publication: Actualidad Jurídica Uría Menéndez, n.º 37 Date: 2014
O novo Código de Governo das Sociedades da CMVM
- Publication: Actualidad Jurídica Uría Menéndez, n.º 37 Date: 2014
The Corporate Governance in Foreign Countries - Spain
- Publication: Gekkan Kansayaku (revista mensual de la Asociación Japonesa de Auditores), nº 604 Date: 2012