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*** Click here to read the event summary report ***

*** This Event was by invitation only ***

(Attendance was open to the participants of the Baltic Economic Conference.)

The Roundtable focused on the reasons and implications of fewer companies going public. The steep decline in initial public offerings in the U.S. has raised concerns about reduced opportunities for the general public to save for the future. The discussion revolved around the following questions: How to incentivize companies to go public and at the same time do not start the race to the bottom with respect to disclosure standards and compliance? Do boards escape short-term pressure from the market by going public with limited voting right shares? Are companies staying private longer? Do institutional investors encourage the long-term sustainability of their portfolio companies? Are index funds sufficiently motivated to provide responsible stewardship of assets with respect to corporate governance? Can index inclusion serve as a boost for stock market activity in such frontier stock markets as the Baltics?



Marco Becht, Solvay Brussels School, ECGI and CEPR

Anete Pajuste, Stockholm School of Economics (Riga) and ECGI


Supported By


Marco Becht

Professor of Finance and the Goldschmidt Professor of Corporate Governance
Solvay Brussels School for Economics and Management, Université libre de Bruxelles
Fellow, Research Member

Anete Pajuste

Professor of Finance, Head of Accounting and Finance Department
Stockholm School of Economics (Riga) and BFFI
Research Member

René Stulz

Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking and Monetary Economics
The Ohio State University
Fellow, Research Member

Roni Michaely

Associate Dean (Global Engagement), Professor in Finance and Entrepreneurship
Hong Kong University
Research Member

Beni Lauterbach

The Raymond Ackerman Family Chair Professor in Israeli Corporate Governance
Bar Ilan University, School of Business Administration
Research Member

Pedro Matos

James A. & Stacy Cooper Bicentennial Professor of Business Administration (Finance)
Darden School of Business, University of Virginia
Research Member

Yupana Wiwattanakantang

Associate professor, Department of Finance
NUS Business School, National University of Singapore
Research Member


Elaine McPartlan
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
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