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Differential Voting Shares

 12-13 December 2018

Bar-Ilan University, Weisfeld Hall, Feldman building (301), Tel Aviv, Israel


Jointly organized by


European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

Raymond Ackerman Family Chair in Israeli Corporate Governance, Bar-Ilan University


Confirmed Participants


Lucian Bebchuk, Harvard Law School and ECGI

Kobi Kastiel, Tel Aviv University

Hyunseob Kim, Cornell University

Beni Lauterbach, Bar Ilan University and ECGI

Suman Banerjee, Stevens Institute of Technology

Dorothy Shapiro Lund, University of Chicago Law School

David Reeb, National University of Singapore

Marco Becht, Université libre de Bruxelles and ECGI

Jesse Fried, Harvard Law School and ECGI

Konrad Raff, Norwegian School of Economics

Yishay Yafeh, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and ECGI

Ernst Maug, University of Mannheim Business School and ECGI

Andrew Ellul, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University and ECGI

Ting Xu, Darden School of Business

Amir Licht, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and ECGI

Meni Abudy, Bar-Ilan University

Anete Pajuste, The Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and ECGI

Assaf Hamdani, Tel Aviv University

Sivan Frenkel, Tel Aviv University

Kate Litvak, Northwestern University

Bernard Black, Northwestern University


With financial support from


European Corporate Governance Research Foundation (ECGRF)

Raymond Ackerman Family Chair in Israeli Corporate Governance



12 December - Day 1

Session 1







Session 2



Session 3


Ownership, Investment and Governance: The Costs and Benefits of Dual Class Shares



Transport back to hotel


13 December - Day 2

Session 1




Loyalty Shares with Tenure Voting - a Coasian bargain? Evidence from the Loi Florange Experiment





Session 2



Session 3


The Control Risk Premium



Farewell greetings


Lucian Bebchuk

James Barr Ames Professor of Law, Economics, and Finance
Harvard Law School
Fellow, Research Member

Beni Lauterbach

The Raymond Ackerman Family Chair Professor in Israeli Corporate Governance
Bar Ilan University, School of Business Administration
Research Member

Marco Becht

Professor of Finance and the Goldschmidt Professor of Corporate Governance
Solvay Brussels School for Economics and Management, Université libre de Bruxelles
Fellow, Research Member

Konrad Raff

Assistant Professor of Finance
Norwegian School of Economics
Academic Member

Yishay Yafeh

School of Business Administration, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Member


Vanessa Koenig
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
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