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ECGI - AGM 2021

ECGI Annual General Meeting

Thursday, 28 October 2021 | 14:00 CEST | Online

To register:



1. Welcome and Introduction by the Chair of the Board

2. Approval of the Minutes of the Annual General Assembly (AGM) of Thursday 15 October 2020

To seek approval of the minutes of the Annual General Assembly Meeting of Thursday 15 October 2020

3. Report on the Activities of the ECGI in 2020

To seek approval of the 2020 Annual Report and verbal report by the Chair of the Board

4. Presentation and Approval of Accounts for 2020

To seek approval of the Annual Accounts for 2020

5. Discharge of the Auditor for his function in 2020

To seek general discharge of the auditor regarding the execution of his function during 2020

6. Discharge of Directors for their function in 2020

To seek general discharge of the directors regarding the execution of their functions during 2020

7. Director Resignations (2021)

The following Directors stepped down from the Board in 2021:

Lucrezia Reichlin – resigned with effect 18 August 2021.

Daniela Weber-Rey – expired mandate, with effect 28 October 2021.

Lisa Rabbe – expired mandate, with effect 28 October 2021.

8. Director Appointments (2021)

To seek the approval of the election/ re-election of the following directors for a period of three years (until the AGM in 2024):

Sophie L’Helias, Lead Independent Director, Kering, and Founder, LeaderXXchange

Reena Aggarwal, Robert E. McDonough Professor of Finance, Georgetown University

9. Executive Director’s Report on Future Priorities

10. Presentation and Approval of Budgets for 2021 and 2022

To seek approval of the 2021 and 2022 Budgets

11. Approval of Proposed Membership Fees for 2022

To seek approval to maintain the membership fees, unchanged from 2018 at the following amounts:

Institutional Members EUR 2,500 [+ VAT]

Practitioner Members EUR 250 [+ VAT]

Academic Institutional Members EUR 2,000 [+ VAT]

Academic Members EUR 100 [+ VAT]

Research Members EUR 0

Patron Members EUR 0

12. Appointment of Auditor

To seek approval to appoint the auditor Quali Audit - Reviseurs d’Entreprises, represented by Ghislain Dochen, Réviseur d’entreprises whose offices are located in Belgium,  Boulevard du Centenaire, 93, 1325 Dion-le-Val (Chaumont-Gistoux). The mandate of statutory auditor relates to the financial years ending 31 December 2021, 2022 and 2023 and the audit fees are fixed at a yearly amount of EUR 2,400 plus VAT and IRE fees excluded.

13. Powers to be conferred for the implementation of the resolutions adopted

It is proposed to grant a proxy to Aurélie Terlinden, as well as to any other attorney at the firm White & Case LLP, rue de la Loi 62, 1040 Brussels, each with the power to act alone and power of substitution in order to complete all necessary or useful formalities with the registry of the competent commercial court and, more precisely, to publish an extract of these decisions in the Annexes to the Moniteur Belge and complete, sign and file Forms I and II thereon.

14. Other Business – Matters Arising


2020 AGM Agenda (with explanatory notes)
2020 AGM Minutes (English)
2020 AGM Minutes (French)
2020 Annual Report
2020 ECGI Accounts
2020 Auditor’s Report (English)
2020 Auditor’s Report (French)
Budgets (2021 and 2022)

Useful links:

ECGI Statutes (2020)
ECGI Board
Member survey


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