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Dr. Tom Gosling interviews Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance at London Business School,  ECGI Fellow and author of “Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit".

Find out Alex’s thoughts on these key issues:

 - The most common misconceptions about responsible capitalism

 - The purpose of the corporation and its role

 - The pie-growing mentality

 - Balancing the tradeoffs between purpose and profit?

ECGI Conversations is an interview series to discover insights, ideas and perspectives from the latest and best academic research, hosted by ECGI Executive Fellow, Dr. Tom Gosling. Interviews will be shared with ECGI subscribers regularly and all interviews will be featured on the ECGI website. The ECGI Conversation Series is part of the Responsible Capitalism initiative.

We hope you enjoy the conversation. 

For more interviews in this series, visit this page. 

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