- Research Member
Prof. Roy Shapira
Roy Shapira focuses on reputation, regulation, and corporate governance. He has published widely on these topics, including a book with Cambridge University Press (Law and Reputation (2020)), and articles in leading law reviews such as University of Chicago Law Review, Oxford Journa of Legal Studies, Washington University Law Review, and Harvard Business Law Review. Shapira has taught for six years a seminar on these topics at Harvard's Economics Department (winning six teaching excellence awards), and has also practiced law and reputation, providing consulting and thought leadership services to leading business companies.
Shapira received his SJD and LLM degrees from Harvard Law School, where both his Master's and doctoral theses won the Victor Brudney Prize (for best paper on corporate governance). During his time in Harvard Shapira also received the Olin Corporate Governance and Clark Byse fellowships.
Prior to joining Harvard Shapira practiced law, specializing in commercial litigation. He got an LLM (summa cum laude, 1st in class) and an LLB and BA (finance) (summa cum laude, 1st in class) from the IDC. Prior to joining the IDC faculty Shapira headed the research efforts of the Stigler Center at the Booth School of Business (University of Chicago), focusing on economic regulation.
Shapira is currently working on projects on the difficulties in holding big business accountable, the role of gatekeepers in corporate compliance, and the information-production aspects of private law's basic doctrines.
Current Projects
Board Expertise
An Information-Production Theory of Private Law
Reputational Spillovers
CRAs' Liability
To Be Like Delaware