- Contributor
Ms. Kiyomi Kasai
Kiyomi KASAI is a Senior Manager at Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), an economic organization representing more than 1,400 businesses (as of April 2021) from all industrial sectors in Japan. As part of the Social Communication Bureau at Keidanren, she promotes corporate governance reforms and encourages constructive dialogue between companies and investors. She was responsible for formulating Keidanren’s opinion on the second revision to the Corporate Governance Code, finalized in May 2021. She accumulated extensive experience in the field of financial regulations during her time in the Economic Policy Bureau at Keidanren (2002-2005), where she led regulatory reforms to increase efficiency in financial institutions. In her work for the International Affairs Bureau at Keidanren (2006-2013 and 2015-2018) she used her expertise in trade policy to spearhead promotion of WTO reforms and Japan’s trade negotiations, including the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Agreement, the Japan–EU Economic Partnership Agreement, and Japan’s Bilateral Investment Treaties. She further developed her experience through the leading role she played in initiatives to reduce Japanese industries’ carbon emissions, and by assisting international discussions on resource efficiency at the Environment and Energy Policy Bureau, Keidanren (2019-2021).