- Contributor
Dr. Florian Habermann
Academic Council
Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Academic Career:
- since 8/2022: Lecturer at the Chair of Business Administration, Controlling and Auditing
- 4/2021-07/22 Research assistant at the Chair of Business Administration, Controlling and Auditing
- 04/2021-07/2021 CSR Manager IHK
- since 4/2020: external PhD student at the Chair of Business Administration and Accounting
- 04/2018-04/2020 Master of Science in Business Administration (with distinction) at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (focus on finance, accounting and empirical research methods)
- 10/2016-03/2018 Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (focus on controlling)
- 06/2015-06/2016 certified business economist IHK
Professional career:
- since 11/2018: Public Financial Advisor at Kandler Group
- 09-10/2015: Intern in Logistics at Audi AG
- 07/2006-10/2016: Head of Department and Materials Management Sergeant at Bundeswehr
- 09/2003-06/2006: Training as gepr. Bankkaufmann IHK at Sparkasse Ingolstadt
Research Interest:
- Corporate Sustainable Performance
- The Concept of Materiality
- Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Ratings
- Sustainability Reporting