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Catherine Malecki is a Professor of Private Law and a member of the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Innovations Sociétales (LiRIS), Rennes 2 University, France, an Associate Member of the Institut Droit Ethique Patrimoine, Paris-Saclay University, France, and an External Member of the Institute of Commercial and Corporate Law, Durham Law School, Durham University, UK

She is a member of the Institut universitaire de France (IUF) (2022)

Her main research themes are business law (corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, sustainable finance, corporate law), comparative business law (English-speaking countries), sustainable and climate finance.

She has published several papers and books – participating more particularly in the collective work Les Défis actuels du droit financier (The Current Challenges of Financial Law), co-edited with Professor Alain Couret, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne University, Co-Director of Sorbonne Finance, Editions Joly, June 2010 – and writing a book entitled Responsabilité sociale des entreprises : Perspectives de la gouvernance d’entreprise durable”, LGDJ, Lextenso, Droit des Affaires Collection, 2014. (total number of pages: 484)

Her book Corporate Social Responsibility Perspectives for Sustainable Corporate Governanceoffers a big picture on CRS and sustainable corporate governance


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