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After earning his doctorate, Broughman joined the faculty of Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, where he taught courses on corporations and on mergers and acquisitions and explored such topics as the role of independent directors in startup firms and whether venture capital investors used inside rounds of financing to dilute the founders’ control of the firm. A recent article, “Do Founders Control Start-up Firms that Go Public,” was published in the Harvard Business Law Review in 2020.

Other research, including empirical studies related to mergers and acquisitions, shareholder voting, founder control rights, and the dominance of Delaware corporate law nationwide, has been published in the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Law and Economics, the Journal of Legal Studies and the Journal of Corporate Finance. He currently is exploring why redundant layers of corporate governance protections may be socially desirable.

At Vanderbilt, Broughman is affiliated with the Program in Law and Business and teaches Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate Finance.

Working Papers



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