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Alberto Borgia is the executive chairman of AIAF ( Italian association of financial analysts) and member of executive management committee of  EFFAS ( European federation of financial analysts societies). 

Previously he was with Nestor Advisors as a senior advisor and co-head of the Milan office in 2012. He has Governance, HR, Financial & Legal expertise acquired over a thirty year career in the automotive, telecommunication and real estate industries.

He was a member of the Top Management Committee in a number of leading corporates such as Pirelli and Olivetti/Telecom Italia, Having held the positions of Director of Corporate Finance and Investor Relations; , Secretary General; and Senior Vice President.

From 2009-2012 he was a Senior Partner of Sodali, working on corporate governance advice, board reviews and governance benchmarking in Italy. Previously Alberto worked as Senior Consultant for HR outplacement services dedicated to Top Managers.

Currently Alberto is a Board Member of AIAF (Associazione Italiana Analisti Finanziari) of OIV (Organismo Italiano di Valutazione) and a member of NED Community (Independent Directors association), of Andaf (Associazione Nazionale Direttori Amministrazione e Finanza) as well as ECGI (European Corporate Governance Institute).

MSc in Political science (1977), With thesis on E.I.B. ; S.D.A.– L.Bocconi (1979); Course on Management of E-Business – Politecnico di Milano (2001).

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