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Professor Luis E. De Garate is Corporate Governance and Finance Professor at the Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM) in Monterrey, Mexico. He also serves as Corporate Governance Officer at Grupo Protexa, one of the leading industrial groups in Mexico.

Between 2011 and 2013, Professor De Garate leads the Deloitte – Amrop Centre of Excellence on Corporate Governance at the University of Monterrey where he designed an instrument to diagnose the current status of Corporate Governance and Control Mechanisms on Mexican companies. The instrument helps to implement Corporate Governance mechanisms on any company that operates in the Mexican economy. Professor De Garate has been Professor in Corporate Finance at the School of Economics of the UANL in Mexico; Corporate Finance International Visiting Professor at ESAN Graduate School of Business in Lima, Peru and Full-time Research Professor on Corporate Governance and Finance at EGADE Business School in Monterrey, Mexico.

Professor De Garate has been a board member of the Committee on Corporate Governance Best Practices at the Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE) which develops and publishes the Code of Corporate Governance’s Best Practices of Mexico.

Professor De Garate holds a Ph.D. on Corporate Finance from the A.B. Freeman School of Business of Tulane University at New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

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