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Dr. Zsuzsa Réka Huszár, PhD in Finance

Associate Professor in Finance at Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB) and adjunct assistant professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Formerly, she was assistant professor at the NUS Business School in Singapore and Assistant professor in Real Estate and Finance at California State University, CalPoly Pomona.

She obtained her doctoral degree in Finance at the University of Kentucky (UKY) after two master degrees, one in Economics from UKY and another in Property Management and Investments from Napier University, Edinburgh. She is specialized in real estate financing and empirical finance and a globally recognized expert in mortgage financing and international short selling, her research cited by the SEC studies and US senate hearings on the "root causes of foreclosure crisis". Her work appeared in the top finance and real estate journals, among others in the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Real Estate Economics, and Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economic, among others. More recently, she is increasingly focusing on sustainability questions related to investment decision, energy stability issues, and blockchain applications, and in 2023 published papers on the European energy (in)stability issues with a firm level approach in Energy Economics and at the macro level in the Journal of Financial Research.

She is also active in higher education teaching and have taught for over 20 years at top universities, across four continents, in Asia, Australia-Pacific, Europe and in North America. She also published dozens of Ivey Business School Case Studies that have been used more than 10,000+ times at top universities worldwide.

She is an avid environmentalist, studied environmental law and environmental construction for her own curiosity in Sweden in the 1990s during the first wave of environmentalism. She cycles or takes public transportation whenever possible, even in the tropical Singapore, trying to live as a good sustainability advocate role model for her students and peers.

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