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After graduating from Tarsus American College in 2004, Ms. Guvenir initiated her undergraduate studies at Istanbul Bahçeşehir University Law School in the same year and received her Bachelor's degree with distinction in 2008. After completing the legal internship at the Istanbul Bar Association, she joined Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law as a research assistant in 2009. Having completed her master's degree under the same institution in 2013, she was awarded the title of doctor by graduating from Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences -Private Law PhD program as of November 2023. In the meantime Ms. Guvenir has been working as a research assistant at İzmir University of Economics- Faculty of Law since 2016. During her doctoral studies, she worked as a researcher at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University and Institute of Law and Finance with TUBITAK 2214-A International Research Fellowship in 2017 and 2018. Her research focuses on commercial law, corporate law and competition law. She speaks advanced English and intermediate German.

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