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Alexander Dill teaches Financial Accounting, a core curriculum course, at the UCLA Anderson School of Management in its Master of Financial Engineering program, and Financial Institution Compliance at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law . He has taught that course at the UCLA School of Law and financial regulation and risk management in the University of Chicago’s Financial Mathematics program. He was previously Senior Research Fellow at Chicago-Kent College of Law and adjunct professor in the Finance Department of DePaul University’s Driehaus College of Business, where he taught money and banking.

He worked in the finance industry since 1986, leaving it in 2015 to begin a career in academia. He spent most of his career in finance at Moody’s Investors Service. Most recently at Moody’s, he was Head of Global Covenant Research, which publishes reports on legal protections in high-yield bonds and leveraged loan transactions. He was Senior Credit Officer in Moody’s Structured Finance Group, where he rated a wide variety of traditional and esoteric asset classes and bank-supported liquidity structures. He also served as Moody’s Global Ratings Compliance Officer for Structured Finance. In this role, he helped design and implement a first-of-its-kind ratings compliance system to address conflicts in the credit ratings process in the aftermath of the Enron and WorldCom accounting scandals. Prior to Moody’s, he was a Branch Chief in Trading Practices at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. He began his law career in New York, specializing in secured lending, bankruptcy issues, and bank regulatory matters.

His publications have appeared in Legal and History Review, Columbia Business Law Review, and Emory Law Journal. While at Moody's he was frequently interviewed by Bloomberg, Financial TImes, and the Wall Street Journal. He published an op-ed in the Financial Times on bank risk management. His books include Bank Regulation, Risk Management, and Compliance: Theory, Key Issues, and Problem Areas (Routledge 2019) and Anti-Money Laundering Regulation and Compliance: Key Issues and Problem Areas (Edward Elgar 2021).

He received his A.B. magna cum laude from Harvard University, his M.A. from Columbia University, and his J.D. from Emory University School of Law, where he was Executive Articles Editor of the Emory Law Journal.

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