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David Hess is the Everett E. Berg Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Business Law at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. At the Ross School, he has taught a variety of courses on business law, business ethics, business and human rights, corporate social responsibility, and negotiations. Professor Hess served as the Reporter for the American Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Standards on corporate monitors. He is currently co-President of the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association. Professor Hess’s research focuses primarily on the role of the law in ensuring corporate accountability. His publications in this area have analyzed the use of non-financial reporting by corporations; efforts to combat corruption in international business; the link between corruption and business and human rights; human rights due diligence; modern slavery; and the role of compliance and ethics programs in creating more ethical corporate cultures. Professor Hess is currently the Business Law & Public Policy section editor for the Journal of Business Ethics and serves on the editorial boards of the American Business Law Journal, Business Ethics Quarterly, and the Business and Human Rights Journal.

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