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Terry McNulty is Professor of Management and Corporate Governance at the University of Liverpool Management School. Professor McNulty researches corporate governance, especially board behaviour and effectiveness. His recent work, funded crosses into judicial intervention in business judgment and alternative approaches to ownership. Through his research he has achieved policy influence and impact over three decades at the highest levels of both the public and private sectors working with board members, senior practitioners, civil servants, media and opinion-formers. His research informed the work of professional bodies and government departments such as: the Law Commission: the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants; Institute of Company Secretaries; Higgs review and UK Code of Corporate Governance; Department of Health; and inquiries such as those into BBC governance and Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry. He also works with companies and consultancies using a research based approach to evaluating and developing board and governance effectiveness. He is currently a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the Institute of Chartered Certified Accountants England and Wales (ICAEW), and served on the Advisory Board of the British Academy 'Future of the Corporation' Research Programme.

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