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Mrs. Dogerlioglu as being an academician and experienced legal consultant has more than 20 years experience mainly focus on Commercial Law, Energy Law, Energy Efficiency Law, Climate Change Law, EU Law, Sustainability. She has extensive experience in research and consultancy on local, international, comparative and European energy law, energy efficiency issues, corporate governance and EU acquis. Parallel to this, she is Assistant Professor at University of Economics and teaches “Energy Law”, Competition Law, EU Law, Energy Transition”. Moreover, she works as a Mediator on Commercial Law and Energy law. Until today, she has worked as a senior legal consultant/advisor in many energy and renewable energy projects. Taking part as key legal expert in EU,EBRD and Word-Bank Projects, she has also gained significant experience in legislation drafting (primary legislation and secondary legislation), policy design, gap analysis and advice, institutional structure design, legal modelling, capacity building particularly on climate change, energy efficiency, energy, renewable energy, decarbonisation. She has good knowledge of all national energy and energy efficiency, climate change legislations and policy documents. Moreover, she has strong experience in the provision of technical assistance/ capacity building to ministries in the energy/energy efficiency &climate change, decarbonisation. Until today, she particapted many national &international conferences as speaker, instructor on these issues. She took part as local Team Leader, at Development of Legal and Institutional Infrastructure for Piloting an Emission Trading System (ETS) in Turkey, World Bank Project and prepared Draft Climate Change Law for Turkey, secondary legislations on ETS. In an EBRD Project, as being the local key expert, for preparation of energy efficiency financing mechanism roadmap of Turkey, she worked Turkish energy efficiency legislation comparision with different country legislations, assessed different options for resource allocation to the EE fund such as energy saving feed-in-tariffs, obligation schemes, credit, white certificate, facilities etc. to understand applicability of EE financing mechanism to Turkey; Currently, she is working on a book project on corporate responsibility &climate change litigation and green finance issues.

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