- Representative Member
Professor Mansur Khamitov
Assistant Professor
Kelley School of Business
Professor Khamitov works in the Marketing department. His areas of expertise within the corporate governance domain include brand and firm transgressions/wrongdoings/failures, corporate social irresponsibility, and poor corporate governance.
Areas of Expertise
Branding (Brand Transgressions, Brand Relationships, Brand Loyalty) and Financial Decision-Making (Money, Saving, Gambling)
Professional Experience
- Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, 2021-present
- Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore), 2018-2020
- Procter & Gamble, Polpharma, Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Awards, Honors & Certificates
- AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Volunteer, Indiana University, 2021
- AMA’s CBSIG Research in Practice Award Winner for 2019 JCR Article in Recognition of Contribution as a Consumer Behavior Scholar, 2020-2021
- SSRN Top 10% author by all-time paper downloads, 2021
- AIM – AMA Sheth Foundation Research Grant Recipient, 2019
- Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) Author Development Workshop Participant, 2018
- Start-up Research Grant, Nanyang Business School, 2018-2021 ($90,000)
- AMA CBSIG Rising Star Award Recipient, 2017-2018
- Emerald/EFMD 2017 Outstanding Doctoral Research Highly Commended Award for “How Well Do Consumer-Brand Relationships Drive Customer Brand Loyalty? Generalizations from a Meta-Analysis of Brand Relationship Elasticities," 2018
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada Doctoral Fellowship, 2017-2018
- George E. Connell Graduate Scholarship, 2017-2018
- AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Notre Dame, 2016
- Society for Marketing Advances Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2016
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Province of Ontario, 2015, 2016, 2017
- C.B. (Bud) Johnston Graduate Scholarship, 2015-2016, 2016-2017
- Ivey Thesis Research Fund, Western University, 2016-2017
- Berdie and Irvin Cohen Graduate Scholarship, 2014-2015
Selected Publications
- Connors, S., Khamitov, M., Thomson, M., and Perkins, A. (2021). They’re Just Not that into You: How to Leverage Existing Consumer-Brand Relationships through Social Psychological Distance. Journal of Marketing, 85(5), 92-108 (Featured in JM’s Webinar Series for Marketing Professionals and AMA’s Newsletter, Top 5% of All Research Outputs Scored by Altmetric).
- Wang, X. (S.), Lu, S., Li, X., Khamitov, M. and Bendle, N. (2021). Audio Mining: The Role of Vocal Tone in Persuasion. Journal of Consumer Research, 48(2), 189-211 (Lead Article, Featured in JCR’s Consumer Researcher Blog). View Full Text
- Khamitov, M., Grégoire, Y., and Suri, A. (2020). A Systematic Review of Brand Transgression, Service Failure-Recovery, and Product-Harm Crisis: Integration and Guiding Insights. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(3), 519-542 (Shortlisted as One of the Top 10 Papers Published in 2020 by JAMS Area Editors, Top 1% Comparable Highly Cited Paper in the Business, Economics Fields Based on Web of Science).
- Allard, T., and Khamitov, M. (2020). The Surprising Upside of Expensive Products That Don’t Sell. Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2020/10/the-surprising-upside-of-expensive-products-that-dont-sell.
- Khamitov, M., Wang, X. (S.), and Thomson, M. (2019). How Well Do Consumer-Brand Relationships Drive Customer Brand Loyalty? Generalizations from a Meta-Analysis of Brand Relationship Elasticities. Journal of Consumer Research, 46(3), 435-459 (AMA’s CBSIG Research in Practice Award Co-Winner, 20-21; Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Highly Commended Award 17; SMA Best Dissertation Proposal Award 16; Featured in JCR’s Curation on Brands and Branding by Kevin Lane Keller and JCR’s Author Interviews as One of the Lead Articles in the Issue).
- Duclos, R., and Khamitov, M. (2019). Compared to Dematerialized Money, Cash Increases Impatience in Intertemporal Choice. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29(3), 445-454.
- Rotman, J., Khamitov, M., and Connors, S. (2018). Lie, Cheat, and Steal: How Harmful Brands Motivate Consumers to Act Unethically. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 353-361 (Recognized as JCP’s top 20 most downloaded paper among articles published July 2016-June 2018).
- Khamitov, M., Rotman, J., and Piazza, J. (2016). Perceiving the Agency of Harmful Agents: A test of Dehumanization versus Moral Typecasting Accounts. Cognition, 146, 33-47.
- Connors, S., Khamitov, M., Moroz, S., Campbell, L., and Henderson, C. (2016). Time, Money, and Happiness: Does Putting a Price on Time Affect Our Ability to Smell the Roses? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 67, 60-64.
- Goode, M., Khamitov, M., and Thomson, M. (2015). Dyads, Triads and Consumer Treachery: When Interpersonal Connections Guard Against Brand Cheating. In Susan Fournier, Michael Breazeale, and Jill Avery (Eds.) Handbook of Strong Brands, Strong Relationships (216-232). London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.