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Roberto Sacchi, born in Brescia (Italy), on May 27, 1953, obtained his law degree from Milan State University on March 31, 1976. Previously full professor of commercial law at the Trento University Economics Department and at the Padova University Law School, he is currently full professor of commercial law at the Milan State University.

During the first years of his scientific activity, Roberto Sacchi devoted himself to the study of the relationship between individual and collective contractual freedom. In particular, he explored the justification for the majority rule in the bondholders' group and in the creditors' group in alternative bankruptcy proceedings (a theme to which he has dedicated two monographs). Having then focused his scientific interests on corporation law, he has tackled, inter alia, the dialectic between the two forms of contractual freedom – individual and collective – in corporate governance. In particular he has addressed this issue under the profile of the interference between individual and collective freedom in shareholders’ meetings.

His most recent scientific interests relate to the relevance of contractual freedom in listed corporations, with specific reference to proxy voting, banks and corporate groups.

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