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As a Postdoctoral Researcher at ESADE and an Adjunct Professor at ESAN, I have over 15 years of experience in teaching and conducting research in the fields of Corporate Governance and Information Technology (IT). My professional interest lies in exploring the internal mechanisms of corporate governance, such as ownership and leadership structures, and their impact on IT investments, knowledge management, and innovation. I use new institutional theories and data analysis techniques to examine these topics in different contexts and sectors.

I have also been involved in coordinating and developing research and consulting projects for public and private organizations, applying quality standards and best practices. I have published several papers in international journals and conferences, and participated as a guest speaker and panelist in various academic and professional events. I enjoy building and maintaining international networks and collaborations with other researchers, institutions, and stakeholders. My mission is to advance the knowledge and practice of corporate governance and IT, and to contribute to the development and education of future leaders and managers.

Ph.D. in Economics, Management and Organization at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB (2023). Master of Research in Management Sciences (2015) and Master of Business Administration with major in International Business (2008) at ESAN Graduate School of Business, BSc with major in Architecture at National University of Engineering (2006).

Research Interests

Corporate Governance,
Information Technology
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