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Giovanni Battista DAGNINO (PhD) is Chair of Management and Professor of Digital Strategy at the University of Rome LUMSA, Palermo Campus, where he is Founding Director of the MSc Program in Economics and Management, Chair of the Scientific Committee of LUMSA Digital Hub, and Chair of the Departmental Committee on Sustainability.

He is Co-Director of the LUMSA EMBA-Executive Master of Business Administration, Member of the Scientific Board of LUMSA Master School, and Steering Committee Member of the LUMSA PhD Program in “Mediterranean Studies. History, Law and Economics”.

In addition, he is serving as Italian Academy of Management’s Board Governor, University of Palermo’s Disciplinary Council Member and Italian Society of Management's School of Research Methods Academic Director.

He is Co-Editor of the Journal of Management and Governance.

Professor Dagnino is closely involved with business practice and publicly engaged by means of governance and advisory roles, research projects, op-eds writing, and executive and professional education programs.
He is a knowledgeable executive educator, mindful thinker, public contributor, and keynote speaker.

Professor Dagnino is known internationally for his pioneering work and a stream of seminal publications in two relevant areas:
(1) coopetition strategy, a novel field of study and practice he contributed to set off over a decade ago; and
(2) the kickoff and extension of temporary advantage.
In addition, he has published widely in a third strand, where is conducting a series of smart projects:
(3) digital transformation strategy, phygital transition, digital mindset, and the management of AI, big data and advanced analytics.

His publication portfolio includes 200 publications: over 170 academic contributions and 35 op-eds in the economic, financial and managerial press. He has authored/edited 15 books and over 130 book chapters and articles in leading management journals, such as Academy of Management PerspectivesCalifornia Management Review, Global Strategy JournalLong Range PlanningOrganization Studies, and Strategic Management Journal.

At LUMSA, he is teaching “Digital Strategy & Marketing“ and “Management Consulting” in the core graduate curriculum.

At LUMSA he also teaches Corporate Governance and Sustainable Leadership.

In addition, he is faculty member of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management in Brussels, Fellow of the Strategic Planning Society in London, Friend of the European Investment Bank Institute in Luxembourg, and Friend of the Strategic Management Society in Chicago.

He has held multiple visiting positions in various internationally renown institutions, such as Harvard Business School, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Wharton School, London Business School, IE Business School, IESE Business School, Grenoble Ecole de Management, the University of Mannheim, and IAE Business School, Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires.

He has been co-chair of the Strategic Management Society Special Conference, “Strategy Challenges in the XXI Century: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Coopetition”, Rome, Italy, June 5-7, 2016. He was co-chair of the 30th Anniversary Strategic Management Society Annual Conference "Strategic Management at the Crossroads" (Rome 2010), as well as of the Strategic Management Society Special Conference "New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship: Strategy Governance and Evolution" (Catania 2007). He has also co-convened the one-day workshop entitled "Private Equity and Entrepreneurship. Mobilizing Capital for Fostering Firm Growth in Italy's Southern Regions" (Taormina 2008), organized by the University of Catania, the University of Sannio at Benevento, and the Second University of Naples. With Sharon Alvarez (University of Pittsburgh), Jay Barney (University of Utah), and Rosario Faraci (University of Catania), he has been co-chair of the First International Entrepreneurship Research Exemplars Conference "Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the Diffusion of Start Ups", co-sponsored by the Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division, and the University of Catania, Department of Economics and Business, Catania, Italy, May 23-25, 2013 (see "Events" on the left end).

Since 2004 he has pioneered the EIASM Workshop Series on Coopetition Strategy and chaired or co-chaired six consecutive editions of this biennial venue: Catania (2004); Milan's SDA Bocconi (2006); Madrid's Carlos III University (2008); Montpellier I University (2010); Katowice's University of Economics (2012); and University of Umea, Sweden (2014). He has been Associate Editor of Long Range Planning and served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Long Range Planning (2007-2012), Journal of Management and Governance (2011-2019), International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, International Studies of Management and Organization, American Journal of Business, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics and Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, as well as in the scientific advisory board of Grenoble Ecole de Management.

He has served or is serving as guest editor for special issues of international outlets such as Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Management Review, Long Range Planning, International Studies of Management and Organization (2 times), Journal of Management and Governance (2 times), Small Business Economics, Global Strategy Journal, California Management Review, and Management Research.

At the Strategic Management Society (SMS), he served in the Chair cycle of the Cooperative Strategies Interest Group (2017-2019), representative-at-large of the Competitive Strategy Interest Group (2012-2013), and representative-at-large of the Cooperative Strategies Interest Group (2014-2015). At the Academy of Management, he has been member of the Executive Committee of the Strategic Management Division (2014-2016) and of the Carolyn Dexter Award Selection Committee (2015-2017).

He has received several research grants and academic recognitions for his scientific work, including the Best Papers Proceedings of the Academy of Management (twice), the Outstanding Reviewer Award from the Business Policy and Strategy Division of the same Academy of Management, the Luciano Jona Scholarship of the Compagnia di San Paolo in Turin, and the National Research Council (CNR) Research Fellowship, as well as nominations for the Emerald Best International Symposium Award from the Academy of Management and for the Best Paper Prize at the Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society. He has been the recipient of the Teaching Development Program Award at the University of Catania for two consecutive years. He has lately added to his portfolio other significant awards: (a) the Special Recognition for Publishing Influential Work on Coopetition Studies in the decade 2004-2014, presented by the Global Coopetition Research Network at the University of Umea; (b) the CGIO Best Paper in International Corporate Governance from the Academy of Management, International Management Division, in Philadelphia; and (c) the Distinguished Service Award from the Cooperative Strategies Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society.

His current research revolves around digital transformation and digital mindset, big data and advanced analytics, the advancement of the theory of the firm with specific focus on coopetition strategy dynamics, the management of temporary advantages, hubris-driven strategies, the relationships between strategy, governance and entrepreneurship, and the evolution of research methods and strategy paradigms. He has authored/edited 14 books and 50 articles in leading management journals.

Professor Dagnino has developed a significant experience in scientific research evaluation at the international level (Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Danish Research Council, National Science Center of Poland, Research Council of Norway, National Agency for the Evaluation of Italian Universities and Research Institutes) and is a member of various globally-reputed professional bodies, such as the Academy of Management, the European Academy of Management (Founding Member), the Entrepreneurship Research Society (Founding Scholar), the Italian Academy of Management, the Industry Studies Association, the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society, and the Strategic Management Society. He has been an independent director of doValue Group since 2018.

Research Interests

Professor Dagnino is known internationally for his pioneering work and a stream of seminal publications in two relevant areas:
(1) coopetition strategy, a novel field of study and practice he contributed to set off over a decade ago; and
(2) the kickoff and extension of temporary advantage.
In addition, he has published widely in a third strand, where is conducting a series of smart projects:
(3) digital transformation strategy, phygital transition, digital mindset, and the management of AI, big data and advanced analytics.
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