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An engineer graduated from Milan Polytechnic, Giuseppe Crisci initially worked at Olivetti-General Electric and Coca-Cola (Italy) as Marketing Director, and later at Fiorucci as General Manager. He then joined Egon Zehnder International in Milan. Later he acted as Managing Partner for 12 years, and Chairman for other 7 years for the Italian Offices, acquiring significant experience in high-level Executive Search.
He became interested in corporate governance in mid-1990’s, when he invited Sir Adrian Cadbury to Italy. He was for a few years advisor and Director General to the Treasury during the appointments made in public companies. He completed numerous Board of Directors memberships in both listed and unlisted companies, some of them multinationals. He has carried out and participated in a great number of Board Evaluations.
He has written for the Italian edition of the Harvard Business Review and for Bancaria, and has presented at various conferences and academic courses on Corporate Governance issues.
He is also interested in the development of Family Business governance, and has led projects to improve the expertise and functioning of their Management Boards, also in terms of generational succession opportunities. He has provided consultancy to several new generations in their decisions and growth in relation to the respective Family Businesses.

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