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Dr. Mercadal Vidal graduated from the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona in 1984 and he earned his PhD in law from the Bologna Università degli Studi (1986). Since 1992 he is Senior Lecturer of Commercial Law at the Barcelona Universitat Autónoma.

He has published different works related to his professional specialty. Among others, "El contrato de agencia mercantil" (1998), a wide research on distribution agreements; some studies on corporate law subjects like change of corporate bylaws, increase and reduction of capital or winding up. He has been co-director of La nueva Ley Concursal (2004, with a second edition in 2005), a monograph dealing with the new Spanish insolvency law. More recently, he has co-written a book on the misselling of financial derivatives ("La comercialización de swaps de tipos de interés por las entidades de crédito", 2012). He has published several papers in leading law journals as "Anuario de Derecho Concursal", "Revista de Derecho Mercantil" or "Revista de Derecho de la Competencia y Distribución", among others. He has been a frequent lecturer at the Judicial School and the Bar Association.

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