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Mia Mrgud works as Senior Teaching Assistant at Department of Business Law, School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo, since 2005. For the past nine years of her academic career she has been teaching eight different courses: Business Law, Securities Law, Legal Aspects of Business, Employee Relations, International Business Law, Law in Tourism, International Economics, and International Trade. She also performs duty of the Secretary of Department of Business Law. She is a member of South East Europe Corporate Governance Academic Network (SEE CGAN).

She is a PhD candidate in Business Law at the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo. Since 2011, she holds MBA degree from the Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb, University of Zagreb, Croatia. For her master thesis she did a research on the position and legal protection of minority shareholders in joint stock companies of general type in Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. She graduated in 2005 at the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo, in the field of Banking and Insurance. At the time, she was awarded a special recognition „Golden badge“ for being one of the most successful students at the University of Sarajevo, and officially declared the best student in her generation at the School.

She is (co)author of more than 20 articles published in refereed journals and different proceedings (congresses, conferences, etc.), and coauthor of one university textbook. Her areas of research interest are shareholder activism, protection of minority shareholders, corporate governance in general and especially in the context of transition economies, company law and securities law.

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