Professor Wulf Kaal
Wulf Kaal is a tenured associate professor of law at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in downtown Minneapolis.
Kaal is a leading expert on hedge fund regulation in the United States and the European Union. He uses empirical methods to investigate the effects of financial regulation and the strategic behavior of private fund advisers. His theoretical research focuses on the use of finance and economic theory to analyze and inform financial and regulatory policy.
Before entering the academy, Kaal was associated with Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP in New York and Goldman Sachs in London.
Kaal has published more than two dozen articles in the United States and Europe. His articles were published in leading peer reviewed law and finance journals and in American law reviews such as the Minnesota Law Review, the Washington & Lee Law Review, and the Wake Forest Law Review, among others.
Kaal’s study on the effects of hedge fund registration requirements under Title IV of the Dodd-Frank Act has gained national attention and was covered in a Business Week article and other journals. He is the author of a book chapter on Investment Advisers in the Research Handbook on Corporate Law and Governance, published by Edward Elgar. His editorial work includes the Festschrift in Honor of Christian Kirchner, published by Mohr Siebeck.
He has also been a consultant to major corporations and hedge funds regarding various aspects of financial markets and regulation.