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Dr. Tom Gosling interviews Prof. Michelle Lowry, the TD Bank Professor of Finance at Drexel University, on her recent paper ‘Firms’ Transition to Green: Innovation versus Lobbying’, co-authored by Sungjoung Kwon & Michela Verardo.

Prof. Lowry shares her insights on these key issues:

- Firms environmental-related lobbying transactions political classifications

- Why might firms accelerate green innovation but also practice brown lobbying?

- Can we use these indicators to help predict a firm’s future activity?

- Do ratings agencies accurately capture firms’ true environmental profile?

We hope you enjoy the conversation.

ECGI Conversations is a compelling interview series aimed at uncovering valuable insights, ideas, and perspectives from cutting-edge academic research. Hosted by ECGI Executive Fellow, Dr. Tom Gosling, this series delivers engaging discussions with leading experts in the field.

The ECGI Conversation Series is part of the Responsible Capitalism initiative. 

For more interviews in this series, visit this page. 

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